ndw’s avatarndw’s Twitter Archive

Most Recent 40 Tweets

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  1. Toot toot! A new posting on my weblog, so.nwalsh.com/2022/12/09/toot
  2. I will not be distracted by pixelfed today. I will not. I. Will. Not...today.
  3. I thought it would take a quarter of a century to undo Brexit. I now wonder if it’ll be closer to a decade. The recovery will take a lot longer, of course.
  4. I discovered a couple of weeks ago (issue #204) that I broke localization for some languages in the DocBook xslTNG stylesheets. Broke it like "I designed it wrong" not broke it like "I left out an entry". I think I see light at the end of the tunnel now, but it's still a (1/2)
  5. We plan to make beef stew for dinner, but I forgot to get some nice crusty bread to go with it. Too cold and wet out there to go back out again, so I baked some!
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  6. This is also a test. Apologies for the noise.
  7. Have I waited long enough to consider letting my laptop update to Ventura?
  8. Herb garden and a cactus. To be fair, also a motion sensor and not really a cactus. But this is only a test post anyway.
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  9. I want to replace a complex table with a graphic. The table isn't especially accessible, but I don't want to make the situation worse. A description would probably run to a couple of paragraphs for clarity. What's the best way to do that in modern HTML?
  10. Apropos of nothing, The Spare Man by MaryRobinette is a delightful read with delightful cocktails (and mocktails) and I recommend it highly.
  11. Yeah. Lots of scary options. And they *could* be true, but remember the maxim: never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity. ptexpat/1594261144113479680
  12. This also reads as plausible. drskyskull/1593465921498144769
  13. I’m not scrolling back more than a decade for the context, I’m just going to chuckle softly. It wasn’t 1 April, I did check that. WHATWG/3124901565
  14. So the Saudis bought Twitter by way of their willing co-conspirator or useful idiot proxy so that they could destroy what has been a useful tool for organizing against facists. Is that about it?
  15. The advertisement for "The Ultimate Performance Everyday Pants" is especially funny on this side of the Atlantic. But it's also just kind of funny. The what now?
  16. The Adobe login workflow is weird: userid, then 2FA code, then password. Is this just to make using a password manager more annoying so you'll be tempted to use their whatever thing for authentication?
  17. Wondering about authoring improvements for DocBook localization data. Would using spreadsheets be easier? Lots of folks seem to like spreadsheets. Trying an experiment, literally my second row, Excel insists on turning "sep2" into 9/2/2022. Nope. F*** that.
  18. Lovely Declarative Amsterdam talk, Mappletons
  19. Is Musk someone's useful idiot,or is he just an idiot?
  20. On the one hand, I find it absolutely terrifying that the fascists might get control of the house and/or senate. On the other hand, I find it absolutely terrifying that if they don't, it will be a close run thing.
  21. My dear Americans, for the love of all things, GO VOTE.
  22. This HTML file displays a narrow top and bottom border in the table cell on Firefox (but not on Safari or Chrom(ium)). Bug or feature? And can I remove it? gist.github.com/ndw/85d518ab89cccaf028559f20df5a6e4c
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  23. I'm not going to lie, I really wasn't sure what I was getting. Sort of sweet, a little spiced. Tasty.
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  24. A solid crumpet showing at last. Just an ordinary recipe, no sourdough, but easy and delicious!
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  25. “We’re all going to die.” metaweta/1583918131067506688
  26. Is it just me, or does the app that used to be called iBooks clip the right margin on EPUB books? It clips on right hand pages when it’s two-up, all pages when it’s one-up.
  27. Chapter 8, getting closer. I think (English) muffins tomorrow. Less science experiment, easier yum!
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  28. What’s the best way to open/read/test an EPUB3 file on a Mac? I can get reports from epubcheck and Ace by DAISY, but I’d also like to be able to look at the pages. Circa 2014, apparently Apple Books could do this, but apparently not in 2022.
  29. Hello, Friday.
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  30. If GitHub Actions can run MacOS in some kind of (apparently headless) container, does that mean I can? Or is there some expensive behind the scenes magic going on?
  31. Wait. Musk gets Twitter and Disney gets Dr Who? Not for the first time, I think the simulation is running in a lab during a wild holiday party where Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters have been flowing freely and the staff are giggling drunkenly and turning random knobs.
  32. I can’t decide if the mute, malfunctioning robot response of DeSantis to a simple (and entirely fair) yes/no question is more funny or disturbing. Vote blue, Americans, like your life depends on it.
  33. Formatting verbatim environments where you want line numbers, straightforward cut-and-paste behavior, and accessibility is tricky. Observations welcome, github.com/docbook/xslTNG/issues/186
  34. If anyone with experience building Python wheels with third party libraries were to contribute to this discussion, I'd be extraordinarily grateful. github.com/pypa/cibuildwheel/discussions/1326
  35. On today’s episode of An American Attempts to Bake things in Britain, we explore the question “are pumpkins from the market anything like sugar pumpkins?” In particular, “could you bake a pumpkin pie with them?”
  36. Apropos of nothing, if you use Emacs on MacOS, it’s worth getting the emacs-plus distribution from brew. There’s now xwidgets support natively (without X11) which lets you have graphical previews, etc. github.com/d12frosted/homebrew-emacs-plus
  37. The Crumpet Files, Chapter 7: Baking. No.
  38. Jokes. A lot of humor depends on the right delivery. Is it sometimes prose? so.nwalsh.com/2022/10/22/jokes
  39. The lettuce won.
  40. I have no idea what this is about, but I’d probably still go. I’m sure I’d learn something and Dave is the only CEO I worked with that always talked a game that made objective sense. Kellblog/1582369270578950149