ndw’s avatarndw’s Twitter Archive

36,014 tweets

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⬅️ New ⬆️ 🙂
⬇️ 🙁
  1. Toot toot! A new posting on my weblog, so.nwalsh.com/2022/12/09/toot
  2. I will not be distracted by pixelfed today. I will not. I. Will. Not...today.
  3. I thought it would take a quarter of a century to undo Brexit. I now wonder if it’ll be closer to a decade. The recovery will take a lot longer, of course.
  4. I discovered a couple of weeks ago (issue #204) that I broke localization for some languages in the DocBook xslTNG stylesheets. Broke it like "I designed it wrong" not broke it like "I left out an entry". I think I see light at the end of the tunnel now, but it's still a (1/2)
  5. We plan to make beef stew for dinner, but I forgot to get some nice crusty bread to go with it. Too cold and wet out there to go back out again, so I baked some!
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  6. This is also a test. Apologies for the noise.
  7. Have I waited long enough to consider letting my laptop update to Ventura?
  8. Herb garden and a cactus. To be fair, also a motion sensor and not really a cactus. But this is only a test post anyway.
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  9. I want to replace a complex table with a graphic. The table isn't especially accessible, but I don't want to make the situation worse. A description would probably run to a couple of paragraphs for clarity. What's the best way to do that in modern HTML?
  10. Apropos of nothing, The Spare Man by MaryRobinette is a delightful read with delightful cocktails (and mocktails) and I recommend it highly.
  11. Yeah. Lots of scary options. And they *could* be true, but remember the maxim: never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity. ptexpat/1594261144113479680
  12. This also reads as plausible. drskyskull/1593465921498144769
  13. I’m not scrolling back more than a decade for the context, I’m just going to chuckle softly. It wasn’t 1 April, I did check that. WHATWG/3124901565
  14. So the Saudis bought Twitter by way of their willing co-conspirator or useful idiot proxy so that they could destroy what has been a useful tool for organizing against facists. Is that about it?
  15. The advertisement for "The Ultimate Performance Everyday Pants" is especially funny on this side of the Atlantic. But it's also just kind of funny. The what now?


  1. Who started the anti-pattern that you can't paste into a password field? I have a few angry words to share ...
  2. Six stages of debugging: plasmasturm.org/log/6debug/
  3. I don’t recall who said this was the best thing ever, but they might be right: devopsreactions.tumblr.com/
  4. Years ago, any proposal that required another HTTP round-trip was effectively DOA. Today, every fscking link goes through eight shorteners.

I’ve retweeted other tweets 18,184 times (50.5%)

Most Retweeted

  1. ChuckWendig 150 retweets
  2. Pinboard 148 retweets
  3. doctorow 142 retweets
  4. shelleypowers 134 retweets
  5. JamesGleick 117 retweets
  6. mathling 117 retweets
  7. scalzi 109 retweets
  8. LouiseRawAuthor 105 retweets
  9. LinguaCelta 105 retweets
  10. ALT_uscis 102 retweets

Most Retweeted (Last 12 months)

  1. jilevin 52 retweets
  2. Carnage4Life 22 retweets
  3. LouiseRawAuthor 20 retweets
  4. RussInCheshire 19 retweets
  5. JamesGleick 12 retweets
  6. doctorow 11 retweets
  7. LinguaCelta 10 retweets
  8. Plaid_Cymru 10 retweets
  9. dhmspector 9 retweets
  10. AngryBlackLady 9 retweets

Replies and Mentions

24.4% of my tweets are replies (×8,783)

Most Replies To

  1. kendall 314 replies
  2. robinberjon 180 replies
  3. shelleypowers 167 replies
  4. peteaven 152 replies
  5. JeniT 142 replies

Most Replies To (Last 12 months)

  1. docum3nt 14 replies
  2. dpawson 11 replies
  3. patrickDurusau 9 replies
  4. steinarba 9 replies
  5. ronhitchens 9 replies

I’ve sent someone a mention 269 times (0.7%)

73.7% of the links I’ve posted are using the https: protocol (3,195 of 4,335)

89.0% of the links I’ve posted in the last 12 months are using the https: protocol (137 of 154)

Top Domains

  1. twitter.com 1808 tweets
  2. nwalsh.com 483 tweets
  3. bit.ly 140 tweets
  4. github.com 89 tweets
  5. walsh.name 75 tweets
  6. youtube.com 41 tweets
  7. theguardian.com 40 tweets
  8. boingboing.net 40 tweets
  9. goo.gl 40 tweets
  10. nytimes.com 29 tweets

Top Hosts

  1. twitter.com 1806 tweets
  2. photos.nwalsh.com 266 tweets
  3. so.nwalsh.com 188 tweets
  4. bit.ly 140 tweets
  5. github.com 78 tweets
  6. norman.walsh.name 75 tweets
  7. www.youtube.com 40 tweets
  8. goo.gl 40 tweets
  9. www.theguardian.com 39 tweets
  10. boingboing.net 38 tweets

My tweets have been given about ♻️ 4,227 retweets and ❤️ 15,357 likes

Top 5 Emoji Used in Tweets

  1. 😁 used 12 times on 12 tweets
  2. ✔️ used 9 times on 2 tweets
  3. 👍 used 6 times on 5 tweets
  4. 😂 used 5 times on 5 tweets
  5. ™ used 5 times on 5 tweets

72 unique emoji on 112 tweets (0.6% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Hashtags

  1. xmlprague used 210 times
  2. balisage used 97 times
  3. fail used 86 times on 84 tweets
  4. xproc used 84 times
  5. marklogic used 61 times

2,584 hashtags on 2,572 tweets (14.4% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Swear Words

  1. d_mn used 69 times on 67 tweets
  2. h_ll used 31 times
  3. f_ck used 30 times on 29 tweets
  4. f_cking used 27 times
  5. s_it used 16 times on 14 tweets

275 swear words on 268 tweets (1.5% of all tweets***)

***: does not include retweets